Accuray October 30th, 2023

October 30th, 2023,11 am PDT | 2 pm EDT | 7pm CET
Presenter: Joseph Panoff, M.D., Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL, USA
Moderator: Asal Rahimi, M.D., MS, Associate Professor, Chief of Breast Radiation, U.T. Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Summary: Baptist Health South Florida Cancer Care is the leading provider of radiation therapy in South Florida with comprehensive state-of-the-art radiotherapeutic technology. Locally advanced breast cancer constitutes 10-20% of all newly diagnosed breast cancer. Dr. Panoff will discuss the epidemiology and staging of locally advanced breast cancer and demonstrate the Radixact® & TomoTherapy® platform experience at Miami Cancer Institute. He will explain how the Radixact System is utilized amongst the complementary cutting-edge technologies in the setting of locally advanced breast cancer.
This webinar has been approved by CAMPEP for 1 MPCEC hour and ASRT 1 Category A continuing education credit.