Accuray February 1st, 2024

February 1st, 2024, 7am PsT | 10am EST | 4pm CET | 11pm HKT
Presenter: Ian Paddick, M.Sc., Consultant Physicist, Medical Physics Limited, UK, Elena De Martin, M.Sc., Medical Physicist, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milan, Italy, Vladislav Buryk, M.D., Neurosurgeon, Radiosurgery Centre Sigulda, Latvia, Indra Surkova, MPhys, Medical Physicist, Radiosurgery Centre Sigulda, Latvia
Summary: The ISRS Certification Service offers SRS centers the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to delivering SRS to a high standard. This device-agnostic service involves a comprehensive department audit that includes staffing, patient selection, treatment planning, QA, procedures and protocols, and an end-to-end dosimetric audit. Education is given as needed during the two-day visit. The audit enables centers to be alerted to any opportunities for treatment and service quality improvement. We will share our preliminary experience of ISRS certification audits and examples of improvements we have helped audited centers achieve
This webinar is pending approval from CAMPEP for 1 MPCEC hour and approved by ASRT for 1 category A credit.