Accuray October 24th, 2023

October 24th, 2023, 6 am PDT | 9 am EDT | 3pm CEST | 9 pm HKT
Presenter: Imjai Chitapanarux, M.D., Chiang Mai University Hospital, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Moderator: Asal Rahimi, M.D., MS, Associate Professor, Chief of Breast Radiation, U.T. Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Summary: Join us for an upcoming webinar with Dr. Chitapanarux, who has over ten years of experience using the TomoTherapy® System to treat breast cancer. During the webinar, Dr. Chitapanarux will cover the latest evidence for hypofractionated breast radiotherapy and the use of TomoDirect™ and TomoHelical™ delivery. She will also share practical considerations and educational activities she is leading. This is an excellent opportunity for attendees to learn from an expert in the field and gain valuable insights into using the TomoTherapy® System for treating breast cancer.
This webinar has been approved by CAMPEP for 1 MPCEC hour and ASRT 1 Category A continuing education credit.