ISRS Certification Service

Recognizing Clinical Expertise and Best Practices

At ISRS, we are dedicated to raising the level of quality in Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) treatment delivery worldwide and promoting the highest standards of clinical and technical expertise. Our Certification Service is designed to acknowledge and recognize centers that demonstrate exemplary practices and standards in patient selection, treatment planning, dosimetry and patient care in intracranial SRS. Download our Certification Service Brochure to learn more.

A Service for Centers Tailored for Their Level of Experience

Our Certification Service caters to both experienced centers and those that have implemented SRS programs but may not yet be treating larger numbers of patients or indications. It provides an invaluable opportunity for external audit and offers significant benefits. Download our list of standards detailing minimum requirements for certification.

“For us, the ISRS certification offers you to treat your patients the best way possible. We now feel we are the best, and distinguished from other centers for our patients. Most important is that we perform the best work. After 14 years we do the best we can do for our patients.”
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Paola Mayorga
Lead Medical Physicist at Fundación Clínica Shaio

The Certification Process

The certification process begins with the completion of a pre-visit questionnaire, enabling our Certification Team to gain a comprehensive understanding of the equipment and practices at your center. Subsequently, an expert physicist conducts a two-day on-site visit, performing a thorough audit of your center’s practices and a physical dosimetry audit. In parallel, remote support and input by an expert SRS clinician via video conferencing is provided. In order to help prepare for ISRS Certification, centers also have the opportunity to enlist the consulting services of RTsafe.

Earn the 'ISRS Certified' Stamp of Excellence

Centers that successfully complete the certification process will be granted the prestigious ‘ISRS Certified’ stamp, valid for three years from the date of award. This emblem signifies your center’s commitment to delivering exceptional SRS treatment and adherence to best practices. We also provide a streamlined process for re-certification.

Interested in learning more about the certification process? Our team is here to provide you with all the information you need.

Certification FAQs

Even the best SRS centers can benefit from an independent external assessment. External dosimetrical audits are now strongly recommended, or even mandatory in some countries, and the End-to-End testing included with this service satisfies this requirement. In a competitive environment a certified center is able to demonstrate that their commitment to high-quality standards has been recognised by the ISRS. Some clinicians are keen to enter their center to the certification process in order to implement improvements in their existing practice.

Our list of standards allows the center to judge whether they are ready for certification. The pre-visit questionnaire enables the ISRS Certification Team to evaluate the center’s practices and identify any potential issues. In the event we anticipate a problem, we will work with the center to help them raise their standards to the necessary level.

The Certification Team have worked hard to create a list of standards that cover all SRS platforms. Please contact us if you believe that the standards exclude a particular platform.

Re-certification is a streamlined and reduced-cost process which, depending on the number of changes to the department since the last inspection, may require as little as a remote video conference and a postal dosimetry audit.

This is a more complex area in terms of the range of disease sites and practices involved. We plan to introduce this service once the intracranial SRS certification program is well-established.